Special advice for Miss Dussia-Elliott (but it might help you, too)

Dear Miss Dussia-Elliott,
We heard from the Twitter that you were miserable (or “les miz” as Mama calls it). We’ve been pretty miserable at times too. Don’t even get us started on the time we had to LET GO OF THE TOY WE WERE PLAYING WITH IN A TIMELY FASHION. Here are a few things that cheer us up. Hope you can do at least one of these (the cotton candy one!).
Bert & Duke

Getting a hug from a good friend

Getting a hug from a good friend

Playing your 'monica and overaccessorizing

Playing your ‘monica and overaccessorizing

Picking flowers (or in this case, flower petals)

Picking flowers (or in this case, flower petals)

Sugar! Preferably in pink cotton candy form.

Sugar! Preferably in pink cotton candy form.

Cold sugar! Preferably with your bestie.

Cold sugar! Preferably with your bestie.

Making all your dreams come true of becoming a Princess Doctor.

Making all your dreams come true of becoming a Princess Doctor.

Getting comfy in your robot jammies and letting it all hang out.

Getting comfy in your robot jammies and letting it all hang out.

Celebrating minor accomplishments like using a spoon.

Celebrating minor accomplishments like using a spoon.

Starting a gang.

Starting a gang.

Tagging, "This shit sucks" somewhere and then posing suavely in front of it.

Tagging, “This shit sucks” somewhere and then posing suavely in front of it.

Things Mean Moms Do

I’m not saying Mama’s mean, just that she does some mean things. Horrible, mean things like:

Not let me wear my princess dress and bonus tutu to school

Not let me wear my princess dress and bonus tutu to school

Forcing me to live in this giant mug.

Forcing me to live in this giant mug.

And worst of all, going to Disney, my second favorite place on earth besides the Provincetown Library, without me.

And worst of all, going to Disney, my second favorite place on earth besides the Provincetown Library, without me.

But that’s okay. Because we’re doing all the things she’s doing.

Mama's hanging out with princesses.

Mama’s hanging out with princesses.


Duke and Dada are hanging out with a princess, too. I'm the princess, if there was any confusion.

Duke and Dada are hanging out with a princess, too. I’m the princess, if there was any confusion.

Mama's eating bad things.

Mama’s eating bad things.

Since Mama's gone, we're eating pancakes for breakfast, ice cream for lunch, and pizza for dinner.

Since Mama’s gone, we’re eating pancakes for breakfast, ice cream for lunch, and pizza for dinner.

Mama's running around with monsters.

Mama’s running around with monsters.

Me too.

Me too.

You better be coming home with a lot of princess-themed items, Mama.